Home charging for company EVs: trends, costs, and best practices

Jun 10, 2024 · 10 min read · blog

The adoption of electric vehicles is rapidly increasing as companies seek to reduce operational costs and minimize their environmental impact. A critical aspect of this transition is ensuring that EVs have reliable and accessible charging infrastructure. While public and workplace charging stations are common, home charging for employees who drive company electric vehicles is becoming an important consideration.

Home charging offers convenience and flexibility for employees, making it a relevant topic for businesses to explore. This blog post will examine whether companies should allow home charging, dive into current market trends, and discuss the pros and cons. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of the best practices and considerations for implementing home charging solutions for your electric fleet.

Understanding home charging for electric fleets - Pros and cons

To make informed decisions about home charging for company electric vehicles, it's essential to understand what home charging is and its significance.

Definition: Home charging refers to the practice of charging electric vehicles at an employee’s residence. This typically involves the installation of a home charging station, also known as an EV charger or wallbox, which connects to the household’s electrical system. Home charging allows employees to conveniently charge their company EVs overnight, ensuring they start the day with a fully charged vehicle.

Pros and cons: Allowing home charging for company EVs comes with a range of advantages and challenges. It's important to weigh these pros and cons to make an informed decision.


  • Convenience: Home charging provides significant convenience for employees, allowing them to charge their vehicles overnight and start each day with a full battery. This eliminates the need for frequent trips to public charging stations and can lead to more efficient use of time.
  • Increased utilization: By enabling home charging, companies can ensure that EVs are consistently charged and ready for use. This can lead to higher utilization rates of the electric fleet, maximizing the investment in EVs and reducing downtime due to charging needs.
  • Employee satisfaction: Offering home charging can positively impact employee satisfaction and retention. It shows a commitment to sustainability and employee well-being, enhancing the company's reputation.
  • Lower depot power requirements: Home charging reduces the need for extensive power capacity upgrades at company depots. This makes it feasible to start the electrification process even if the depot’s electrical infrastructure wouldn't support full fleet electrification initially.
  • Cost efficiency: In many cases, home charging can be more cost-effective than charging at company depots due to lower residential electricity rates. This can result in overall lower charging costs for the fleet.
  • Flexible charging locations: For companies with large fleets that do not own their parking spaces, such as those in shared office buildings, installing chargers may be challenging or impossible. Home charging offers a practical solution where depot installations are not viable or are restricted by property limitations.


  • Investment risk: One significant concern with home charging is the risk associated with investing in an employee’s home infrastructure. Installing a charging station at an employee’s residence can be costly, and if the employee leaves the company, the investment in the home charger may be lost.
  • Management complexity: Managing home charging can introduce complexities that require complex systems for tracking energy usage, processing reimbursements, and ensuring compliance with company policies. Although these challenges also exist with depot charging, the decentralized nature of home charging adds layers of complexity, requiring more extensive administrative oversight and resources.
  • Equity issues: Allowing home charging can create disparities among employees. Not all employees may have the ability to install home charging stations due to factors like living in apartments, lack of a private parking space, or renting properties where modifications are not allowed. This can lead to perceived or actual inequalities, making it important for companies to develop inclusive policies that offer fair access to charging benefits.

Understanding the basics and carefully considering these pros and cons sets the stage for exploring whether companies should allow this practice and how to implement it effectively - so let’s summarize the main points to consider before making the decision.

Should you allow home charging for employees?

Deciding whether to allow home charging for employees requires careful consideration of several key factors and the establishment of clear company policies. When deciding whether to allow home charging, companies should consider the following factors:

  • Cost: Evaluate the costs associated with installing home charging stations and reimbursing employees for electricity usage. Consider both the initial installation costs and ongoing operational expenses, and compare these with the depot’s charging capabilities and projected costs.
  • Equity: Ensure fairness and consistency across the workforce. Not all employees may have the same access to home charging due to differences in living arrangements or housing types.
  • Usage patterns: Analyze the typical usage patterns of your fleet. If vehicles are frequently used for long trips or have high daily mileage, home charging might be essential to ensure they are always ready for use.
  • Technical support: Assess the need for technical support and maintenance for home charging equipment. Ensure employees have access to assistance if they encounter any issues with their home chargers.

Establishing clear policies and guidelines for home charging is also crucial to manage expectations and ensure smooth implementation. Common company policies may include:

  • Installation guidelines: Provide clear instructions on how to select, purchase, and install home charging stations. Specify any approved vendors or types of chargers that should be used.
  • Reimbursement policies: Define how and to what extent the company will reimburse employees for home charging costs. This may include covering a portion of the installation costs and reimbursing for electricity usage based on vehicle mileage or actual energy consumption.
  • Usage monitoring: Implement systems to monitor the usage of home charging stations. This ensures transparency, helps track overall energy consumption and cost impact on the company, and prevents misuse, such as charging non-company vehicles.

After carefully considering these factors and establishing clear policies, companies can decide whether to allow home charging for employees as well as ensure a fair and effective implementation. At this point, another significant question remains: should companies pay for it?

Should you pay for home charging? Market trends and practices

Determining whether to pay for home charging involves understanding current market trends and considering the financial implications for your company.

  • Market trends: Companies are increasingly recognizing the benefits of supporting home charging for their employees. However, one of the main obstacles is the administrative challenge of how to reimburse employees for home charging expenses. Current market trends show a growing acceptance of fully covering the costs associated with home charging. This includes paying for the charger, installation, and ongoing electricity costs. Businesses that prioritize environmental goals and employee wellbeing are more likely to adopt comprehensive reimbursement policies for home charging, viewing it as part of their broader sustainability and employee satisfaction initiatives.
  • Company types: Typically, companies in tech, logistics, and forward-thinking industries are at the forefront of allowing and paying for home charging. These organizations often have a strong focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility, viewing home charging support as an extension of their green initiatives. Also, for many of these companies, installing chargers at their premises might be challenging or even impossible, especially if they operate out of rented office buildings where they do not control the building’s infrastructure or cannot expand the electric grid. Therefore, supporting home charging becomes a practical alternative. Additionally, companies with large fleets or those that rely heavily on vehicle use, such as delivery services and sales teams, find home charging reimbursement particularly beneficial, especially if the operational model allows employees to take company vehicles home.
  • Cost considerations: Paying for home charging can have significant financial implications for businesses. It's crucial to balance these costs with the potential benefits of home charging and compare them to depot charging options, as some form of charging infrastructure will be necessary regardless.
    • Installation costs: These include expenses related to purchasing and installing home charging equipment. Companies may choose to cover a portion or all of these costs to incentivize employees to use electric vehicles.
    • Electricity reimbursement: Ongoing costs involve reimbursing employees for the electricity used to charge their EVs at home. This can be managed through fixed stipends, mileage-based reimbursement, or actual energy usage tracking.
    • Long-term savings: Consider the long-term savings from reduced fuel costs and lower maintenance expenses associated with electric vehicles. Supporting home charging can lead to higher EV adoption rates, which can result in overall cost savings for the company.

Of course, there is no definite answer, and each company may have unique needs and circumstances to consider. These are the basic considerations, however, companies might need to look into other possibilities as well.


Allowing home charging for company EVs requires careful consideration of various factors. Home charging provides significant convenience and can greatly enhance the utilization of electric vehicles, contributing to higher employee satisfaction and operational efficiency. However, it introduces management complexities and potential equity issues that need to be thoughtfully addressed.

As electric vehicle adoption continues to grow, integrating a mix of home and depot charging options becomes crucial. Companies will often face challenges related to power grid expansions, making home charging an essential component of daily operations. In many cases, electrifying the fleet will only be feasible if home charging is incorporated alongside depot charging. This dual approach ensures flexibility and resilience in fleet operations, supporting the transition to a sustainable and efficient fleet.

By carefully managing these aspects, businesses can successfully implement home charging solutions, benefiting both their employees and overall fleet performance. At Volteum, we help companies navigate the complexities of electrifying their fleets, ensuring cost-effective and sustainable operations. For more guidance and answers to your fleet electrification questions, contact our EV experts via the link below.

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